Brockwell Park Tennis Courts Review

OpenPlay Rating
Brockwell Park Tennis Courts in Brockwell Park, Herne Hill are excellent tennis courts in South London The Brockwell Park Tennis Courts offer stunning views over London from their unique vantage point
Overall Condition   8/10
Availability     7/10
Price/Cost       7/10
Customer Service  7/10

Overall 72.5%

Brockwell Park is situated between Herne Hill and Dulwich in South London and is one of our favourite London parks. The total park area covers over 125 acres making this a generously sized London park. What is particularly appealing is the unique vantage point from the top of the park which offers fantastic views of the city of London including the Gherkin, the Shard and Canary Wharf.

Even better is that fact that the six Brockwell Park Tennis Courts offer this view, making this one of the most pleasant settings for tennis in London. The courts themselves have a hard, macadam surface and generally are in good condition. They are operated by Lambeth Borough Council and popular amongst the local community, particularly in summer as can only be expected. The tennis courts are open from 7:30am until dusk and local coaches operate on these courts. We would therefore recommend looking out for local notices for information on tennis lessons or coaching sessions.

Lambeth Borough Council Logo Lambeth Council manages the Brockwell Park Tennis Courts in Partnership with GLL

Parking near Brockwell Park

Unfortunately Brockwell Park  does not have a car park which is unusual for a park of its size. However there are plenty of parking spaces away from Herne Hill such as on Rosendale Road or Croxted Road or even on any of the roads which circumnavigate the park. In summer when the tennis courts, Brockwell Park lido and general area are popular, you may find parking spaces at a premium and we would suggest arriving early.

h2Alternatively, you could always try our friends at to rent a parking space from a local Herne Hill resident...

Tennis Courts in Brockwell Park, Herne Hill, Tennis Courts in South London The Brockwell Park Tennis Courts are often available during the day and can be used up until dusk, all year round

Transport Links near Brockwell Park

The nearest train station to Brockwell Park is Herne Hill mainline railway station which offers frequent trains to Brixton, West Dulwich and London Victoria. However the area is also served by plenty of buses which quickly whisk you to Peckham, Streatham, Clapham and Brixton.

Pubs near Brockwell Park

Herne Hill is certainly your best bet for a post sport drink and is only a few minutes walk away from the tennis courts. Our personal favourite is the Commercial Hotel which is yards from Herne Hill Station. This offers a warm friendly atmosphere combined with good quality classic English pub food.

Alternatively other popular Herne Hill pubs and bars include the Half Moon Tavern and the Florence Brew Pub with little between them in terms of quality and atmosphere. In fact we'd recommend mixing it up and trying all of these Herne hill pubs. It must be said that there is an inviting community ambiance in all of these fine establishments.

Brockwell Park Tennis Court Booking

The Brockwell Park tennis courts must be booked through the Lambeth Borough Council bookings team by calling 0845 130 8998. Court costs are £5/hour, however we recommend checking with Lambeth Council/GLL.

For more information about the Brockwell Park tennis courts such as the exact address details and booking information, take a look at their Matchtea sports facility profile here.

By Sam Parton

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