Top 5 Athletic Athletes
  • By Will Hearn
  • Posted Nov 10, 2016

Top 5 Athletic Athletes

Trying to compare different athletes is a little difficult especially across different sports. How often do you hear the argument ‘my sports more athletic than yours.’ It always comes up a...

Klopp Bowls us over
  • By Will Hearn
  • Posted Oct 12, 2016

Klopp Bowls us over

Lawn Bowls has an interesting history, for example who knew that it was once outlawed because it was damaging the sport of archery? Yes that is a little further back in history but some big names...

Top 5 Fitness Trackers 
  • By Will Hearn
  • Posted Oct 12, 2016

Top 5 Fitness Trackers 

When it comes to fitness we always want the latest and greatest gadget that is going to make working out easier, more fun, or just motivate us to actually wake up and do that run we know we should. Ho...

Technology and Sport: Tech Can Get Everyone Active
  • By Will Hearn
  • Posted Oct 6, 2016

Technology and Sport: Tech Can Get Everyone Active

SportsTech is already prevalent in the sporting industry. Everything from fitness trackers, goal line technology to advanced data analytics has changed how sports are coached and athletes selected. Ho...

Top Five Reasons to Exercise Outdoors.
  • By Will Hearn
  • Posted Oct 3, 2016

Top Five Reasons to Exercise Outdoors.

Exercising outdoors provides a whole range of benefits and if you know where to look it doesn't have to be boring or lonely, but it can be tailored specifically to you. Whether it is a run in a pa...

5 Best Online Tools for Coaching Organisations
  • By Nikhil Obhrai
  • Posted Sep 29, 2016

5 Best Online Tools for Coaching Organisations

Running a sports activity company is hard work. Three members of OpenPlay’s core team were sports coaches, so we know the pain of taking bookings, coordinating with parents etc. Whether you run...

Five Best Sports Apps 
  • By Will Hearn
  • Posted Sep 29, 2016

Five Best Sports Apps 

When it comes to sports and fitness there are a few apps that really do take it to the next level, allowing you to track your performance, what you eat, provide workout ideas or find other people to t...

Five Best Football Pitches in Cardiff
  • By Will Hearn
  • Posted Sep 28, 2016

Five Best Football Pitches in Cardiff

With parks and football pitches hidden throughout Cardiff, in the total of four days of summer that we actually get, it can be hard to find a spot of grass that's free from a family picn...

Best 11 a side Football Pitches in Harrow
  • By Sam Parton
  • Posted Sep 16, 2016

Best 11 a side Football Pitches in Harrow

Harrow is an eclectic borough to say the least. It contains a real melonge of different cultures, ethnicities and demographics, with Harrow School sitting as an upper class island surrounded by 1...

Top Football Pitches For Hire in Nottingham
  • By Ellen O'Riordan
  • Posted Jul 26, 2016

Top Football Pitches For Hire in Nottingham

Brimming with teams, pitches, successful academies and the Nottingham Forest F.C. playing in the Championship, Nottingham is most definitely a football city.  You may not have been picked by Mari...


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